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Penultimate Kickstarter voting results

Previous Post | Monday, 22 June 2015 | Reading time: 3 minutes | Next Post

Two weeks before voting closes we're at a response rate of 91.38%: 604 of 661 possible votes. If you're eligible to vote and haven't done so yet, you have until 10am CEST on July 6 to make the response rate even higher! Note that no-award backers who have pledged 15 euros or more can also vote, though they haven't received a survey. If this is you, please send mail to, either with your vote or to ask for the list.

We collected enough pledges for nine whole stretch goals. Two 1500-euro backers each added a stretch goal of their own: one already in the list ("Update the look & feel of the layer docker" which is at #6, meaning that #10, "Stacked brushes" got in as well) and one off-list, "Lazy Brush" -- you can see how it works here.

The table below shows the penultimate results, with in the last column the related phabricator task. To access phabricator you will need a KDE identity account, which can be made at If you have a forum account, you already have made a KDE identity account. Use this login information in the 'LDAP' login area. The phabricator tasks are where we discuss the requirements of each feature. This means that all considerations about the implementation are mentioned here. You can subscribe to a phabricator task to get e-mail updates on it.

VotesStretch goalPhabricator Task
0N/AExtraLazy Brush: interactive tool for coloring the image in a couple of strokesT372
111619.02%10. Animated file formats export: animated gif, animated png and spritemapsT116
2548.85%8. Rulers and guides: drag out guides from the rulers and generate, save and load common sets of guides. Save guides with the document.T114
3508.20%1. Multiple layer selection improvementsT105
4477.70%19. Make it possible to edit brush tips in KritaT125
5416.72%21. Implement a Heads-Up-Display to manipulate the common brush settings: opacity, size, flow and others.T127
6386.23%2. Update the look & feel of the layer docker panel (1500 euro stretch goal)T106
7365.90%22. Fuzzy strokes: make the stroke consistent, but add randomness between strokes.T166
8335.41%5. Improve grids: add a grid docker, add new grid definitions, snap to gridT109
9315.08%6. Manage palettes and color swatchesT112
10284.59%18. Stacked brushes: stack two or more brushes together and use them in one strokeT124

And these didn't make it, but we're keeping them for next time:

 Votes Stretch goal
11233.77%4. Select presets using keyboard shortcuts
12193.11%13. Scale from center pivot: right now, we transform from the corners, not the pivot point.
13182.95%9. Composition helps: vector objects that you can place and that help with creating rules of thirds, spiral, golden mean and other compositions.
14182.95%7. Implement a Heads-Up-Display for easy manipulation of the view
15162.62%20. Select textures on the fly to use in textured brushes
1691.48%15. HDR gradients
1791.48%11. Add precision to the layer move tool
1881.31%17. Gradient map filter
1950.82%16. On-canvas gradient previews
2050.82%12. Show a tooltip when hovering over a layer with content to show which one you're going to move.
2130.49%3. Improve feedback when using more than one color space in a single image
2230.49%14. Add a gradient editor for stop gradients